Thursday 15 May 2008



The weight of mature rafflesia arnoldi flower in kilograms. The flower is also knowns as the Corpse Flower becouse of its pungent smell.

Berat bunga Rafflesia Arnoldi dewasa dalam kilogram. Bunga ini juga dikenal sebagai bunga bangkai karena baunya.

Tuesday 29 April 2008


(a) Ann takes a shower every day.
(b) I usually eat lunch at the cafetaria.
(c) Babies cry.
(d) The earth revolves around the sun.
(d) A square has four equal side.
(f) The sky is blue

The simple present expresses daily habits or usual activities, as in (a) and (b).
The simple present expresses general statements of fact, as in (c) and (d).In sum, the simple present is used for events or situation that exist always, usually, or habitually in the past, present, and future.

(g) Ann can't come to phone right now because she is taking a shower.
(h) It's noon. I am eating lunch at the cafeteria right now.
(i) Jimmy and Susie are babies. They are crying. I can hear them right now. Maybe they are hungry.

The present progressive expresses an activity that is in progress (is occurring, is happening) right now. The event is in progress at the time the speaker is saying the sentence. The event began in the past, is in progress now, and will probably continue into the future.
FORM : am, is, are + -ing

FREQUENCY ADVERB: ( From 100% of the time to 0% of the time)

100% ----------------------------------------------------------0%
always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never

Sunday 27 April 2008


Joke: Orang Taiwan Apply Visa USA

Seorang lelaki Taiwan yang sangat kaya tetapi tidak memiliki
kemampuan berbahasa Inggris ingin berkunjung ke USA. Namanya Teng

Di tempat kedutaan USA, petugas menanyakan beberapa pertanyaan
interview untuk mengetahui kunjungannya ke USA.

Karena tidak mengerti bahasa Inggris dengan baik, dia menduga bahwa
petugas menanyakan nama keluarganya (surname). Lalu dia
menjawab: "Wa Sing Teng." (dalam Hokkien berarti: "Marga saya
Teng"). Fyi, dalam budaya Chinese, orang Chinese selalu
memperkenalkan marganya dulu saat kenalan pertama kali.

Petugas mendengar "Washington! " (sama bunyinya) lalu dia melanjutkan
ke pertanyaan ke-2: "Untuk apa kamu mau pergi ke US?"

Pikirnya, secara logis tentu sekarang dia menanyakan nama saya. Lalu
dia menjawab: "Xiaoping."

Petugas mendengar : "Shopping!"

Pertanyaan ke-3: "Kendaraan apa yang kamu kendarain di Taiwan?"

Turis itu berpikir, dia ditanyakan statusnya di Taiwan, dan
menjawab: "Wa Bo Bo." (dalam Hokkien berarti: "Saya belum beristri").

Dan petugas mendengar: "Volvo!" lalu dia tersenyum dengan hormat dan
bertanya lagi.

Pertanyaan ke-4: "Siapa pemain basket yang terkenal di USA?"

Saat ini lelaki Taiwan sudah mulai tidak sabar dan mulai berkata
dengan keras: "Mai Ho Wa Cai Tan." (arti: "Jangan biarkan saya

Petugas mendengar: "Michael Jordan!"

Kagum akan pengetahuan si turis, petugas meloloskan visa USA turis.


Consisting of more than 17,000 islands, the vast Indonesian archipelago spans 5,120 km across the equator, positioned between the Asian and Australian continents. Four-fifths of the area is sea with the major islands of Sumatera, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Papua. The 300 ethnic groupsthat exist harmoniously give birth to a potpourri of cultures and fascinating people. The major ethnic groups are: Minangkabaunese, Malay, Javanese, Sundanese, Maduranese and Ambonnese. Arab, Chinese and Indian immigrants have also settled in regions throughout the country, particularly in the coastal cities.

Geographically, Indonesia's landscape is greatly varied. Java and Bali have the most fertile islands and rice fields are concentrated in these two regions, whereas Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua are still largely covered with tropical rainforest. Open savannah and grassland characterize Nusa Tenggara.

The lowland that comprise most of Indonesia has a characteristically tropical climate with abundant rainfall, high-temperatures and humidity. Rainy Indonesia's tropical climate and unique geographical character provide shelter for flora and fauna that are as diversely rich as its land and people. The plant and animals in Indonesia's western region represent that of mainland Asia while those in the eastern region are typical of Australia. Endemic species, which are the pride of Indonesia exist in the central region, such as orangutans, tigers, one-horned rhinos, elephants, dugongs, anoas and komodo dragons. The warm tropical waters of the archipelago nurture a rich marine environment that holds a myriad of fish, coral species and marine mammals.

A cultural heritage passed on through generations offers a wealth of traditional arts and crafts. Batik, wooden carvings, weavings, silverworks and many other traditional skills produce exquisitely beautiful items. Indonesia's multi-racial and multi-religious culture mean festivals steeped in traditions are celebrated throughout the year. Frequently featured in these events are dances, wayang theaters and other performing arts.

Information provided by the Indonesia Embassy.

Saturday 26 April 2008


Untuk membantu kita dalam masalah pengulangan kata dalam tulisan yang lazim dilakukan karena kekurangan kosa kata.

1.meninggalkan : leave,desert,forsake,quit,relinquish,discontinue,renounce,evacuate
2.menyerahkan : give up, surender, cede, submit, hand over, yield, resign, capitulate.

retain, join, keep, pursue, embrace, unite, vindicate, defend

Abate (v) : mengurangi, berkurang.
sinonim : decrease, lessen, reduce
antonim : increase, intensity

Attitude (n) : sikap, lagak,gaya.
sinonim : manner,position, bearing

Attractive (adj) : menarik hati, cantik, bagus
sinonim : loveable, alluring, charming, fascinating, appealing
antonim : ugly, unattractive, repulsive, deterrent

(n) : bagasi, barang bawaan
sinonim : luggage, things

Basic (adj) : dasar, alas, alasan.
sinonim : foundation, ground, reason.

sinonim :
(adv) sebelumnya,dahulu : previously, earlier, beforehand, precedently
(prep) in front of, previous to
antonim : (adv) afterwards, later, subsequently
(prep) behind

sinonim :
(adj) tenang : quite, still, tranquil, smooth, peaceful
(n) ketenangan : calmness, stillness, quite
(v) menenangkan : soothe, quite, appease, tranquillize

antonim :
(adj) stormy, agitated, clamorous, emotional, disturbed
(n) disturbance, turmoil
(v) excite, disturb, stir, agitate

To be continue...........

Thursday 24 April 2008



A look at what's happening from May to June 2008 across Indonesia.

20 May

Waisak day celebrates Buddha Siddhartha Gautama's birthday, enlightenment and death. And in the biggest Buddhist temple in the world, Borobudur in Jogjakarta, visitors experience a spectacular evening, as a thousand candles in the tempel cast light on the mighty structure and beyond. Magical.

14 June - 14 July
Jakarta Great Sale and Jakarta Fair
You'll be lured into this big event if you visit any of Jakarta's shopping centers. From Plaza Indonesia, an all-time favorite with high-end boutiques, to Plaza Semanggi wherw youngsters grab the latest outfits and accessories, Jakarta's shopping hot spots offer huge discounts for one month. Also enjoy the city's annual fair in Pekan Raya Jakarta Kemayoran, featuring car displays, traditional food and crafts, plus live entertainment - all under one roof.

29 June
Bali International Triathlon
Commencing at the Four Seasons Resort at Jimbaran Bay, Bali's second annual international triathlon features a 1.5km swim in Jimbaran Bay, a 40km bicycle ride from Jimbaran Bay to Nusa Dua and finally a 10km run through Jimbaran Village,the race will have its finish line at the breathtaking Jimbaran beach. There's also a 5km Fun Run.

Wednesday 23 April 2008


I don't want to go to school

Early one morning, a mother went in to wake up her son.
Mother : "Wake up, son. It's time to go to school!"

Son : "But why, Mum? I don't want to go."
Mother : "Give me two reasons why you don't want to go."
Son :"Well, firstly, the kids hate me, and secondly, the teachers hate me, too!"
Mother : "Oh, that's no reason not to go to school. Come on now and get ready."
Son :"Give me two reasons why I should go to school."
Mother :"Well, for one, you're 52 years old. And for another, you're the headmaster!"


Kita sering menggunakan " firstly" ketika kita ingin menyebutkan "yang pertama" dalam sejumlah penjelasan atau alasan terhadap suatu hal.
"The headmaster"(UK) atau "the principal" (US English). Kepala sekolah.